TECHNICAL Meeting of JAMILA Project - Amman
The meeting has been held in the premises of the University of Jordan (Amman) after specific request of authorization to Dr Clivio Casale, TEMPUS officer for Mediterranean Countries (e-mail November 13th, 2014).
The following participants have taken part in the meeting on November 27th:
For Sapienza University of Rome (Sapienza):Katiuscia Cipri
For Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU): Sameer Hanna, Raed Amro, Ramzi Qawasmeh
For Al-Quds University (AQU): Labib Arafeh, Salah Odeh
According with the Agenda, the meeting starts with the presentation of Dr. Salah Odeh on Labour Market needs and University facilities (WP 1, Task 1.1 and 1.2). N. 8 stakeholders, operating in the Middle of Palestinian Territories have been interviewed, chosen among University, Research Centre, Company, Public Association and NGO. The questionnaire elaborated by the Partnership has been used. Dr. Salah Odeh shows the results of survey and summarizes the conclusions. Stakeholders are really interested to be part in the sustainable Committee and participate in the elaboration and deliverable of Master Courses. More difficulties seem emerged for the participation of the employees in the Master: XX %are interested but, almost due at the small size of the mayor number of interviewed stakeholders, only the XX% are available to register the employees. A solution could be to provide the courses in the afternoon. More interest is in Vocational training: short courses in the afternoon/evening or during the week-end. Moreover the main business for Palestinian companies is outside (other Arabic Countries), the feasibility of new big renewable plants is regulated by Israel (please explain better), the incentives in renewable are reduced to the Net Metering and companies need to increase public awareness in renewable systems.
[File: The survey findings on Labour Market and University facilities - AQU]
Prof Labib shows the AQU’s proposal for the structure of the JAMILA Master. The master is composed by: n. 3 core courses, n. 6 mandatory courses and n. 4 elective courses, a Thesis and a final Examination.
In order to improve the number of students potentially interested in JAMILA Master, AQU is evaluating to propose the courses to different backgrounds students. The Master courses could be delivered the next First Semester (September 2015 – January 2016) and Second Semesters (February 2016 – June 2016). Prof Labib suggests to organize a Workshop with the stakeholders to promote JAMILA Master courses. AQU is available to hold the events.
[File: Final version of JAMILA Curricula at AQU]
Presentation of Prof Sameer Hanna (Dean of Graduate Studies & Scientific Research at PPU) shows the structure of JAMILA Master courses, as proposed by PPU. Following the PPU team point of view, the JAMILA master should cover all areas of employability of the energy field in Palestine: Research & Development, Design & Engineering development, Power Transmission & Distribution, Monitoring Inspection & Maintenance, Capacity Building, Energy Auditing, Sales and Marketing, …. In general, stakeholders are interested to collaborate in the development of the programme (80 %), while only the 50 % of interviewed is available to give 2-day vacation per week during the n. 4 semesters to their engineers to attend the courses.
PPU master courses will be open to students coming from Environmental, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and other Engineering Programmes. To bring the students coming from different specializations at the same level of competences, Research & Academic Activities with 0 credit will be established. Students could spend time with researchers, professors, tutors, to reach the level for the Thesis.
The structure, modified after the meeting in Cadiz, is composed by Core courses (12CH), n. 3 Electives Concentration Areas (1) Energy Generation & Distribution, 2) Energy Management and 3) Energy & Environmental Sustainability) and a Master Thesis (6 CH).
For the accreditation of Courses to AQAC, PPU Team decides to use the Syllabus form of Salford University (UK).
Prof Sameer Hanna proposes to establish a Joint Master (Dual Master), following their previous experiences in a previous project with the University of Jerusalem. With the Joint Master, students can study one semester in PPU and one in AQU.
[File: PPU_Market Curricula]
Prof Raed Amro proposes to establish a Joint Master with the structure of PPU JAMILA Master Courses. AQU cold adopts this structure and use the same form for the accreditation.
The participants in the meeting decides the follow:
1) A Joint Master/Degree will be established for JAMILA Project;
2) AQU will upload its presentation on MASTER Curricula on Drop Box;
3) Within December 15 the two universities will read all materials and documents;
4) The second mid of December they will organize a Local Meeting in PPU;
5) At the end of December, the two Universities will submit a definitive Joint Programme for the Accreditation;
6) PPU and AQU will try to arrange a meeting with the local stakeholders, involving them in the elaboration of the Master Courses.
7) At the end of December AQU will upload in Drop Box the final list of Equipment
Prof Sameer Hanna informs the participants on the Tendering Procedures for the purchasing of the Equipment. He declares the Video Conference Rooms will be available in September. In fact the tender needs 3-4 for purchasing, installing and testing. Prof Labib Arafeh agrees to purchase the Software in common with PPU.
[File: PPU_Lab Equip Tenders]
The local meeting has been plan for the next Tuesday, December 2nd at PPU. During the meeting partners will take in consideration the opportunity to organize the JAMILA Workshop in December 18th at PPU or AQU.